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Common Questions

Q.  I hear a clicking noise coming from my computer. The system won't start up.
A.  That usually means your hard drive is going bad, or has already failed. Bring your system in for diagnostics!  We might be able to recover your data off the hard drive before it fails completely.

Q.  My system is dusty. Should I be concerned?
A.  YES! You can use a vacuum to clean it, but beware of static. Better to buy a can of compressed air (or use an air compressor carefully), set the system outside on a nice day, and blow all the dust buggies away! You may need to remove the cover. Dust can get trapped in the fins of the heat sinks, preventing air circulation around the heat sinks, and overheating your system. Do this once a year.

Q.  My computer is so SLOW!
A.  There are many reasons for this. Many older systems do not have enough memory (RAM). Today, 512 megabytes is the minimum. More is better!  Some AntiVirus software are so busy protecting your system, they are using a lot of your valuable CPU time.  Different types of Malware will slow you system down.  Some techs believe you need to wipe the slate clean and reload your Windows Operating System every 6 months, but Computer Dynamics does not subscribe to that.

Q.  I hear a humming noise when I turn on the computer?
A.  That's usually a fan associated with the power supply located inside your computer. Colorado's dry and dusty climate is the cause. Some fans will quiet down as they warm up. If the system no longer makes the noise when you first turn it on, the fan may be frozen and not turning! This can lead to overheating and failure.

Q.  The text on my monitor is too small (large)?
A.  You can reset the size by going into display properties. Right click anywhere on the desktop (open space) and select properties, then settings. Adjusting the resolution will change the text size.

Q.  Do you sell online?
A.  No.  There are many online stores available out there on the Internet. Our main product is SERVICE and KNOWLEDGE (30 years worth). You can't sell these very well on the Internet.

Q. Thirty Four Years! Wow. Are you the oldest Computer Store in Colorado Springs?
A.  There is a store downtown that lays claim to that on their website (last time I looked). They are a good 10 years younger than Computer Dynamics. You do the math. Frankly, I don't care about age. I just care that our customers receive the best and fairest care possible. This attitude seems to have worked so far. We probably aren't perfect, but at least we try to be!

Q. Will there be more questions and answers?
A.  Eventually....